szerda 12. március 2025

Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God

A Community in the service of the sick and poor


The primary objective of our religious congregation, as recognised by the Catholic Church, is to help and care for the sick and distressed. The beneficial activity of Saint John of God is the foundation of our order’s distinctive character or charism. Our community was founded in Granada in the 16th century. The Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God runs a number of institutions, hospitals and retirement homes, where the everyday activities of the Brothers include the provision of health care. To this end, they all earn some sort of health care or social degree. In addition, they, of course, live in monastic communities according to strict rules.



How can I become a member of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God?



A personal calling from God: To become a member of a catholic religious community, you first need to have a spiritual calling from God.


The stages of becoming a Saint John of God Brother – an exciting walk of life

A person usually needs to pass the following stages to become a Saint John of God Brother:

  • Postulancy
    The young postulant participates in the life of the convent for a period of six months. This period is designed to introduce the postulant to the life of prayers and work of the Brothers.

  • Taking the religious habit
    The postulant dresses in the clothing of the Order and is given a name within the Order.

  • Novitiate
    The spiritual and practical “basic training” lasts for two years. This is done in Brescia (Italy), at the interprovincial novitiate.

  • Temporary Vow
    After the novitiate stage, the candidate takes a one-year temporary vow.

  • Scholasticate
    During the five-six years of the scholasticate, the Brother receives professional training. The interprovincial scholasticate is located in Regensburg. The vow is renewed every year during that period.

  • Solemn Permanent Vow
    By taking the solemn permanent vow, the brother makes a final commitment to the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God.


Admission criteria:

  • Roman Catholic religion,
  • at least 18 years of age,
  • inclination for philanthropy and serving our fellow brethren.


Interested persons, Candidacy, Novitiate – Contact:

If you feel you have been called to join the ranks of the Brothers of Saint John of God, please contact us:


Brother Damian Horváth OHFrater Damian Horváth OH

Irgalmasrendi Kórház

Széchenyi tér 5.

H-7621 PÉCS


Mobil +36 301 787 890


We are happy to inform all interested individuals about the our Order, our charism and our apostolic work. Once he becomes familiar with us and we learn more about him, he can spend a few days in our community, the convent.


If he decides to follow God’s calling down this path, he can apply for admission, writing a letter to our Provincial. In the event of a positive response, the candidate begins his postulancy term in Gorizia (Italy).


Betegápoló Irgalmasrend


levelezési cím:
1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó út 54.

+36 14388400, +36 14388500