Montag 31. März 2025

Our Services

The traditional Turkish bath section consists of five pools: an octagonal central pool with a water temperature of 36–38 °C, and four separate bathing chambers around it with pools of different water temperatures. Furthermore, we offer great spa programs:

  • two steam baths with aromatic oils, massage showers and an ice machine
  • Finnish sauna
  • infra red sauna
  • Jacuzzi
  • Kneipp walk
  • swimming pool

 In addition, we offer an underwater jet massage with two possible programs:

  • Tangentor tub treatment with operating staff, only with doctor’s orders
  • Hydroxeur tub treatment, open to the public (no doctor’s orders necessary)

Available massage types:

  • 30 min. massage
  • 60 min. massage
  • 75 min. massage

You can schedule a massage appointment for the specific day at the cashier’s desk when you enter. Due to the frequent full-house status of the bath, you cannot arrange an appointment in advance.

Betegápoló Irgalmas Rend

Irgalmasok Veli bej Fürdője


1023 Budapest, Árpád fejedelem útja 7.


Telefon: +36 1 438 8587

Mobil: +36 20 495 1296


